How to Create the Ultimate Beauty Routine

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So, you want to start taking care of your skin but have no clue where to begin? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there and we’re happy to help you take control. Finding the best routine and products that work for you will require some trial and error, but the rewards and knowledge you’ll gain will be well worth it! 

Below, we’re going to walk you through the basics of skincare, then help you add extras into your routine to achieve that radiant skin we all crave. While these boosters are always optional they are recommended to take your skincare to the next level. 

The Basics

  • Cleanse daily with a gentle formula

  • Toner

  • Moisturize & hydrate skin

  • Protect skin with sunscreen

The Extras

  • Target concerns with serums

  • Exfoliate dead skin cells

  • Add masks to maximize results

The Foundation of a Skincare Routine

Mastering the basics is simple, but the tricky part sometimes can be discovering your skin type. Not everyone is the same and some products are great for all skin types, but knowing your skin type will help you get the best results and choose the right products for you.

Here’s some quick ways to determine what your skin type may be:

Cleanse Daily with a Gentle Cleanser

Cleansing your skin is one of the most important steps and should never be skipped or taken lightly! A lot of people think using a makeup remover wipe will suffice, but that only gets a majority of surface dirt — not the impurities and build up in the pores. Throughout the day your skin is continually exposed to dirt, pollutants, dead skin cells and more. A proper cleanse that penetrates the skin deeply is an absolute must!

Cleansing is also an important factor in achieving moisturized skin. The use of a good moisturizer of course helps with this but you can only get so far when the moisturizer doesn’t have a clean base to absorb into. It’s the same as with the showers you take. You wouldn’t skip cleansing and jump to using your daily body lotion. You want your face as clean as you want your body. 

A great thing about moisturizers is that they don’t have to be the most expensive, over-the-top item in your routine. Simple and gentle with a balanced PH goes a very long way.

You’ll also want nice and simple pieces in your basic skincare routine to leave room for serums and masks that target specific concerns. Bundling is great for a lot of parts of your life and some skincare pieces (i.e., moisturizers with hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, etc.) but letting simple products be simple allows them to do their job more effectively. 


I’m not sure when the idea came around that we can ditch our toners, but I completely disagree with the idea. I’ve tested out the theory personally and the difference I see without a toner is absolutely mind-blowing! 

Toners are amazing for restoring your cleansed skin’s pH balance, removing any remaining oil, dirt and debris left behind after cleansing. In addition to this, it helps soothe, hydrate and — as stated — regulate your skin tone. 

Most toners are relatively inexpensive and work wonders, making them a great addition to a minimalistic and basic skin routine.

Moisturize & Hydrate Skin

Moisturizing your skin clearly helps to keep your face moisturized but it does so much more than that!

The point of moisturizer is to prevent the loss of water in the outermost layer of our skin, the stratum corner, but it also helps to prevent environmental damage to your skin as it acs as a protective barrier”, - Mara Weinstein, MD

Most moisturizers contain ingredients that replenish the oil and water your skin needs to be healthy and fortified. Even if you have an oily skin type, moisturizer is absolutely necessary. There are plenty of different moisturizers with different purposes designed to care for every skin type. 

Having a different moisturizer for the AM & PM is also highly recommended. Same as all moisturizers serve certain skin types, they also service different needs our skin have thought the day. 

While we are awake and in nature’s environment we want a moisturizer that helps protect our skin’s natural barrier. Then, while we sleep our bodies naturally replenish their collagen and repair UV exposure damage, we want a different moisturizer designed to enhance this restoring stage of our day.

Daytime Moisturizers

Nighttime Moisturizers

Note that a lot of nighttime moisturizers that are worth their salt are a bit pricier than other items in your skincare. Some of them can get pretty expensive ($100+) while others are in the the $50 and under range. Keep in mind they do tend to last 1-1.5 years and are a worthy investment for your skin’s anti-aging and overall health.

Protect Skin with Sunscreen

We all know the effects of sun damage — wrinkles, dark spots, cancer! Even as kids our parents made sure we put on enough sunscreen during beach days, but we shouldn’t have stopped there. Sunscreen should be a part of our daily routine and even more so now given our work environments. Diligent sunscreen use can offset the damaging effects of sun damage and can provide us with a healthier body entirely. 

Over the past few years a lot of things have changed for us, including our work environments. We’re prioritizing our mental health (hallelujah!) and making it a point to get outside more with daily walks, adding natural vitamin D into our lives, and also working in a much more technological world. 

The blue lights our phones and computers give off can actually be quite dangerous for our skin. We see blue light glasses for sale everywhere to protect our eyes from the rays our devices flash onto us all day, but we don’t often hear about the effects those place on our skin, as well. Even if you work inside or late at night and away from direct sunlight, you’re being exposed to skin damaging lights. Sunscreen is a necessity for all of us. 

When choosing a sunscreen you want to look for Physical / Mineral sunscreens. These types of sunscreen bounce the UVA & UVB rays off of your skin and are effective immediately.

- Physical & Mineral sunscreens are also better tolerated by sensitive skin and don’t have that “sunscreen feel” that tends to bother most users. On top of it, Physical / Mineral sunscreens are reef safe and don’t cause damage to our marine life.
- Chemical sunscreens allow some of these rays to absorb into the skin, convert into non-harmful wavelengths of heat & light —  they also take about 15-20 minutes before having an effect.


The Extras: Take your Skincare to the Next Level

Now that you have a good basic understanding of your skincare foundation, have begun testing out what works best & become comfortable with your routine, you can start targeting specific concerns. Below, you’ll find some powerful extras that you can work into your routine as needed.

Target Concerns with Serums 

These can be incorporated into your routine after cleansing & before moisturizer

  • Dryness: Hyaluronic Acid

  • Pores: AHA Lactic Acid, BHA, Niacinamide

  • Dullness / Dark Spots: Vitamin C, Azeliac Acid

  • Fine Lines / Wrinkles: Retinol & Retinoid

Exfoliate Dead Skin Cells

Exfoliation can seem scary at first, but the right products with a light texture to them can work wonders for your skin. Using these types of products 2-3 times a week can help to resurface your skin & allow your skin to really shine. They can even turn back the clock and make you look years younger. 

Try getting some mini-sizes to see what you like and what may cause irritation to more sensitive skin types. 

Add Masks to Maximize Results

Faces masks are a favorite way for me to enhance my Sunday self-care day. Using a face mask 1-2 times a week in place of exfoliation can increase your results and absorb deeper into your skin. Remember to follow up this step with your moisturizer to seal everything in.

To Conclude

After everything you just learned, we would like to welcome you to the beginning on your skincare journey. From here, you can develop your personal routine — after all, your morning skincare routine should differ from your ideal nighttime skincare routine. And once you see what a quality routine can offer, you will be hooked and truly enjoy caring for your skin.

Thanks & we wish you the best,
Let’s Do


12 Habits for Healthy Skin